
JM Podcasting Services

Giving the Unheard a Voice

Glossary of Podcasting Terms

Acoustic Treatment: The process of improving the sound quality of a recording space by reducing unwanted reflections, echoes, and background noise.
Ad Insertion: The practice of adding advertisements to podcast episodes, often dynamically, to monetize the content.
Aggregator: A platform or software that collects and organizes podcast episodes from multiple sources, making it easier for listeners to find and access them.
AIFF: A high-quality audio file format developed by Apple, known for its uncompressed, lossless audio quality.
Ambient Noise: Background sounds that can affect audio recordings, such as street noise, fans, or air conditioning.
Anchor: A podcast hosting platform that offers tools for creating and distributing podcasts.
Artwork Guidelines: Specifications and recommendations for creating podcast cover artwork, ensuring it meets the requirements of different podcast directories.
Audio Effects: Digital modifications applied to audio to enhance or alter its quality, including reverb, equalization, and noise reduction.
Audio Engineering: The technical process of recording, mixing, and mastering audio to achieve the desired sound quality.
Audio Interface: Hardware that connects microphones and instruments to a computer, enabling audio recording and processing.
Audio Quality: The overall sound clarity and fidelity of a podcast, often determined by factors like equipment, recording environment, and editing.
Audio Tags: Metadata embedded in audio files, providing information about the content, such as title, artist, and album.
Binaural Audio: A recording technique that uses two microphones to create a 3D stereo sound experience for listeners.
Bit Depth: The number of bits used to represent each audio sample in a digital file, affecting audio quality and dynamic range.
Bitrate: The amount of data used to represent audio per second, influencing the audio quality and file size.
Bumper: Short audio clips used to introduce or transition between segments in a podcast episode.
Call Recording: The practice of recording phone or online calls for use in podcast episodes or other content.
Call to Action (CTA): A request made to the audience to take a specific action, such as subscribing, leaving a review, or visiting a website.
Co-host: A regular collaborator on a podcast, sharing hosting duties with the primary host or hosts.
Community Building: The process of fostering a dedicated audience and engaging with listeners to create a sense of community around a podcast.
Compression: The process of reducing the dynamic range of audio to make it more consistent in volume, improving audio quality and loudness.
Condenser Mic: A type of microphone that is highly sensitive and capable of capturing subtle details, commonly used in studio recording.
Copyright: Legal protection granted to creators of original content, including podcasts, preventing unauthorized use or reproduction.
CPM (Cost Per Mille): An advertising pricing model where advertisers pay a fee for every 1,000 listens or impressions of their ad.
Creative Commons: A licensing system that allows creators to share their work with specific usage permissions, fostering content sharing and remixing.
Cross-Promotion: A collaborative marketing strategy where podcasters promote each other’s shows to expand their listener base.
Directories: Platforms or websites where podcasts are listed, making it easier for listeners to discover and access them.
Distribution: The process of making podcast episodes available to listeners through various platforms and directories.
Download: The action of saving a podcast episode onto a device for offline listening.
Dynamic Ad Insertion: The real-time insertion of advertisements into podcast episodes, often tailored to specific audiences or locations.
Dynamic Mic: A type of microphone known for its durability and versatility, often used for live performances and broadcasting.
Editing: The post-production process of arranging, enhancing, and refining audio recordings to create a polished podcast episode.
Editing Software: Tools used to edit and produce podcast episodes, such as Adobe Audition, Audacity, or GarageBand.
Engagement: The interaction and involvement of listeners with a podcast, measured by factors like comments, likes, and reviews.
Episode: A single installment of a podcast, typically focused on a specific topic or theme.
Equalization (EQ): The adjustment of the frequency balance in audio to enhance or reduce specific elements within the sound.
Fair Use: A legal doctrine that allows the limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes like criticism, comment, news reporting, or education.
Feed URL: The web address where a podcast’s RSS feed is located, used by podcast directories to update content.
Field Recording: The practice of recording audio in various environments, often used to capture real-world sounds and experiences.
Focus Group: A small group of individuals used for feedback and testing podcast concepts, formats, or episodes.
Frequency: The rate at which sound waves vibrate, determining the pitch of audio.
Frequency Response: The range of frequencies a microphone, speaker, or audio device can reproduce accurately.
Guest: A person invited to participate in a podcast episode, often to share expertise or provide an interview.
Host: The primary presenter and organizer of a podcast, responsible for leading discussions and content creation.
Hosting Costs: The expenses associated with podcast hosting and storage services.
Hosting Limits: Restrictions set by podcast hosting providers, such as storage or bandwidth limitations.
Hosting Plan: The subscription or service package chosen by podcasters to host and distribute their content.
Hosting Platform: The service or platform where podcast files and RSS feeds are stored and managed.
Hosting Provider: A company or service that offers hosting and distribution services for podcasts.
ID3 Tags: Metadata embedded in audio files to provide information about the audio content, including title, artist, and album.
Interview Podcast: A podcast format focused on conducting interviews with various guests on different topics.
Intro: The opening segment of a podcast episode, often used to introduce the show and set the tone.
Launch: The initial release of a podcast to the public, marking the beginning of its availability for listeners.
Lavalier Microphone: A small, hands-free microphone that clips onto clothing, commonly used in interviews or on-stage performances.
Libsyn: Short for Liberated Syndication, a popular podcast hosting and distribution service.
Libsyn Directory: A directory of podcasts hosted on Libsyn, making it easier for listeners to discover and access content.
Licensing: The process of obtaining legal permission to use copyrighted material in podcast episodes.
Lip Sync: Synchronizing audio or spoken words with corresponding video or visuals in a multimedia podcast.
Listener: An individual who subscribes to, downloads, or streams podcast episodes.
Listener Analytics: Data and statistics related to listener behavior, often used to understand audience preferences and demographics.
M4A: A common audio file format used for podcasting, known for its relatively high audio quality and small file size.
Metadata: Information associated with podcast episodes, including title, description, and publication date, used for categorization and search.
Metadata Tags: Embedded information within audio files that provides details about the content, such as title, artist, and album.
Mic (Microphone): A transducer that converts sound waves into electrical signals, allowing sound to be recorded or transmitted.
Mic Stand: A support mechanism for holding microphones in place during recording or performances.
Mid-roll: An advertising spot placed in the middle of a podcast episode, interrupting the content.
Mixer: A device used to combine and adjust audio signals from multiple sources, such as microphones or instruments.
Mixer Board: The physical control surface of a mixer that allows adjustments to audio levels and settings.
Monetization: The process of generating revenue from a podcast, often through advertising, sponsorships, or listener support.
Monetization Strategy: A plan outlining how a podcaster intends to earn income from their podcast.
Monologue: A solo podcast format where the host presents information or shares thoughts without co-hosts or guests.
MP3: A widely used audio file format known for its high compression and compatibility with various devices and platforms.
Multicast: Simultaneously sending podcast episodes to multiple recipients, commonly used in live broadcasts.
Multichannel Recording: Capturing audio using multiple microphones to separate sound sources and create a richer audio experience.
Multimedia Podcast: A podcast that combines audio content with other multimedia elements, such as video, images, or interactive features.
Multimodal Podcast: A podcast that engages multiple senses, often combining audio with visual or tactile elements.
Multitrack Recording: The process of recording each audio source on a separate track for more detailed editing and mixing.
Network Attached Storage (NAS): A storage device connected to a network, used to store and access podcast files.
Niche: A specific and focused subject area or audience that a podcast targets.
Noise Reduction: The process of reducing unwanted background noise in audio recordings during post-production.
Outro: The closing segment of a podcast episode, often used to thank listeners, promote the show, or provide contact information.
Panel Discussion: A podcast format where multiple hosts or guests engage in a conversation and share their insights on a particular topic.
Peak Level: The highest point of audio volume in a recording, often used to prevent distortion.
Peak Listeners: The maximum number of simultaneous listeners during a specific time period, often used for live broadcasts.
Pitch: The act of promoting a podcast to potential advertisers or sponsors.
Plosive: A burst of air that can create a popping sound when speaking into a microphone, often mitigated with a pop filter.
Podcast: A digital audio or video program that is distributed over the internet for on-demand listening or viewing.
Podcast Analytics: Data and statistics related to a podcast’s performance, including download numbers, listener demographics, and more.
Podcast Artwork: The visual representation of a podcast, including cover art and graphics used in podcast directories.
Podcast Directory: An online platform or service that lists and categorizes podcasts, making it easier for listeners to discover and access content.
Podcast Transcript: A written version of a podcast episode, often used for accessibility, SEO, or reference purposes.
Podcaster: An individual who creates, hosts, and produces a podcast.
Podcaster Hosting: The service or platform used by podcasters to host and distribute their podcast episodes.
Podcasting Network: A collection of podcasts organized under a single brand or network, often offering cross-promotion and shared resources.
Podcatcher: A software or app that allows users to subscribe to, download, and manage podcast episodes.
Podchaser: An online platform that provides information, reviews, and ratings for podcasts and podcast creators.
Podcrafting: The creative process of planning, recording, and producing podcast episodes.
Podfade: The phenomenon where a podcast gradually loses activity and eventually stops producing new content.
Podsafe Content: Content, including music and sound effects, that can be legally used in podcasts without copyright infringement.
Podsafe Music: Music that is cleared for use in podcasts without infringing on copyright or licensing restrictions.
Pop Filter: A screen or mesh device placed in front of a microphone to reduce popping and plosive sounds during recording.
Pop-Up Podcast: A temporary or short-run podcast created to cover a specific event, topic, or time-limited series.
Post-Production: The editing and enhancement of audio recordings after they are captured, typically including tasks such as editing, mixing, and adding effects.
Post-roll: An advertising spot or content segment placed at the end of a podcast episode.
Pre-roll: An advertising spot or content segment placed at the beginning of a podcast episode.
Privacy Policy: A statement that informs listeners how a podcast or website collects, uses, and protects personal information.
Promo: A short audio clip used to promote a podcast within other episodes, encouraging listeners to check it out.
Public Domain: Creative works that are not protected by copyright and are available for public use without restrictions.
Public Relations: The practice of managing a podcast’s image, reputation, and interactions with the public.
Publish: The process of making a podcast episode available to listeners through hosting and distribution platforms.
Raw Audio: Unedited and unprocessed audio recordings, often used as the source material for podcast production.
Reverb: The reflection of sound off surfaces, adding a sense of space or ambience to audio recordings.
Rolloff: The gradual reduction of certain audio frequencies at the low or high end, often used to filter out unwanted noise.
RSS Enclosure Tag: An element within an RSS feed that includes media files, such as audio, for podcast distribution.
RSS Feed: A standardized format used to publish content, including podcast episodes, on the internet.
RSS Generator: A tool or software used to create RSS feeds for podcast distribution.
RSS Reader: Software or applications used to subscribe to and access RSS feeds, allowing users to keep up with podcast episodes.
RSS Redirect: A process that routes an RSS feed to a new location, often used when changing hosting providers.
RSS Submission: The act of submitting a podcast’s RSS feed to directories and platforms to increase its visibility and accessibility.
Sample Rate: The number of audio samples taken per second when recording or digitizing audio, affecting audio quality.
Script: A written document outlining the content, structure, and dialogue for a podcast episode.
Scripted Podcast: A podcast format where the content is scripted and rehearsed, often resembling a fictional or storytelling audio drama.
Shock Mount: A suspension system used to isolate a microphone from vibrations and handling noise.
Show Artwork: Visual elements used to represent a podcast, including cover art, logos, and branding.
Show Format: The overall structure, style, and content layout of a podcast, including segments and recurring themes.
Show Notes: Written summaries and additional information provided alongside podcast episodes, often including links and references.
Showrunner: The individual or team responsible for the overall production and management of a podcast.
Social Sharing: The practice of promoting podcast episodes through social media platforms to reach a wider audience.
Solo Podcast: A podcast format where a single host presents and discusses content without co-hosts or guests.
Sound Design: The creative process of manipulating and arranging audio elements to enhance storytelling and engagement.
Soundboard: A device or software used to play sound effects, music, or recorded segments during a podcast.
Soundboard Software: Computer programs or apps that allow podcasters to control and trigger soundboard effects.
Soundproofing: The use of materials and techniques to reduce or eliminate external noise from a recording environment.
Spatial Audio: Audio technology that creates a three-dimensional listening experience, often used in immersive and virtual reality content.
Sponsor: A company or individual that financially supports a podcast in exchange for advertising or promotional mentions.
Stats: Data and statistics related to podcast performance, such as download numbers, listener demographics, and engagement metrics.
Stereo Sound: Audio recorded and reproduced in a two-channel format, creating a sense of left-right directionality.
Streaming: The real-time delivery of audio content over the internet, allowing immediate playback without downloading.
Subscribing: The act of registering to receive new podcast episodes automatically when they are released.
Subtitle: Text displayed on the screen during a podcast episode, often used for accessibility or to provide additional context.
Syndication: The distribution and publication of a podcast through various channels and platforms.
Tagline: A brief and memorable phrase used to describe or promote a podcast.
Timestamp: A notation indicating the specific time within an episode when a particular event or topic occurs.
Transcription: The process of converting spoken words in a podcast episode into written text, often used for accessibility and SEO.
Unsubscribing: The action of canceling a podcast subscription, indicating that the listener no longer wants to receive new episodes.
USB Mic: A microphone that connects to a computer via USB, suitable for recording and streaming.
WAV: A high-quality audio file format known for its uncompressed, lossless audio quality.
Windscreen: A foam or fabric cover placed over a microphone to reduce wind and breath noise during recording.
XLR Cable: A type of cable commonly used to connect professional microphones and audio equipment, known for its durability and balanced audio transmission.